Unleashing Possibility

manifesto_sarah_iphone5At INtwoIT we believe everyone is creative, however our institutions and organizations are often doing little to cultivate the creative talent most likely to help in addressing the complexity of issues being faced today. Without this cultivation most of us become biased towards our usual way of seeing and doing things. Once we have an idea that seems to work alternative ideas no longer flourish. Developing a culture of creativity requires intent and commitment. Leaders must begin by implementing structures and processes that encourage creativity and begin rewarding mistakes as well as successes. Innovation teams need the time and resources to come up with new ideas, rework old ideas and scan the environment for future trends and market needs. Organizations that foster cultures of creativity report increased employee engagement and empowerment, and improved bottom line results.

INtwoIT Leadership Development & Coaching can work with your creative leaders and teams to assist in strengthening a culture of creativity where innovation is everyone’s responsibility and creativity is aligned with business strategy. To keep things exciting and to leverage the expertise of others, Yael will consider inviting people to collaborate on Creativity boosting projects.