If there is one horoscope worth reading in the world of horoscopes it is Rob Brezsny’s Free Will Astrology. This week he packed a little punch in my Aries direction by suggesting my effectiveness will thrive in direct proportion to my brevity and conciseness. What i like about his horoscopes is that they aim to stimulate the imagination and his writing is both provocative and inspiring.
I think his advice will serve me well when it comes to this blog of mine. I usually wait for a collision of insight, inspiration, time and my muse to write a post. But these things don’t always come together on a bi weekly basis. So for the sake of brevity and conciseness I offer the following for today:
Pecha Kucha Vancouver: I attended the first ever Vancouver Pecha Kucha night earlier this month and recommend it to anyone who wants to put their finger on the pulse of Vancouver’s trend setters, or their lips around a bottle of Grolsch beer. It proved to be a great night and no doubt the bar will be raised on next month’s featured presenters who likely got some great ideas. Pecha Kucha is hosted by Vancouver’s design firm Cause and Affect.
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