Leadership is emotional and relational. It is a way of being with others that honors and draws forth their capacity for greatness. Leaders mentor the achievements of others. Managers are not necessarily good leaders and organizations often select using a limited range of leadership skills. In today’s world we need strong, effective leaders more than ever before. Not only to remain competitive and successful but to create environments where people are motivated by the meaning of their work and the relationships they share with one another

Leadership development demands that we develop ourselves first- our character, purpose and values-and then move outward to inspire a shared vision. For leadership to be effective it must be compelling and inspiring, honest and compassionate. Great leadership is rooted in love and generosity.

INtwoIT Executive Coaching & Consulting can help you craft your company’s leadership advantage by first assessing your leadership fitness and then designing a strategic development and learning program that is right for you.

Let INtwoIT Executive Coaching and Consulting customize a leadership seminar that is right for you. Whether it’s a short motivational event or a three-day retreat, Yael will carefully select and facilitate knowledge content, assessments, group and individual exercises and guest speakers that directly target your organization’s leadership needs.